lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Blog 5: 2.1 Types of Dances

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Miss Celeste here is my paragraph

    Types of Dances:

    In our world we have many types of dances, in this paragraph I will talk about this:

    First, we have the Ballet, it is a very pretty dance that only the persons with good health and with a lot of resistance can do. Then we have Salsa and Merengue, it is an energetic dance, you need to move a lot in this type of dance. Another type of dance is Tango, it is a very strong dance, your have to dance it with a lot of feeling to do it well and right. We have too the Belly Dance, it is hard to dance, but you have to effort a lot if you want to do it well. Finaly we have Breackdance, you have to move a lot in this type of dance, and it is on the floor.

    In conclusion, there are many types of dances in the world, you can choose one and try it, I know you would like it.

    Hillary Melendez

  2. Hi miss celeste here is my paragraph:
    There is an art named "dancing" in wich people dances different types or styles of music. Every style of name is separated by the rythm of the music, the moves etc. I will mention some styles and the country people usually dances.

    Breakdance,hip-hop,shuffle,pop: are the most danced in U.S.A.
    Tango: is a regional dance of argentina.
    Jarabe Tapatio: is the regional dance of Mexico.
    Samba,Mambo: are the ones Brazilian's usually dance.
    Salsa,Merengue: are the most danced in Puerto Rico,Colombia etc.
    Belly Dance: the regional dance of India, not an easy dance.

    I hope you learn more with this styles and maybe someday try them out.

    MajoGarzaro.2nd 1

  3. Hi miss Celeste! Here's my paragraph.

    being a profesional dancer means more than moving your body.
    Dancers feel the music inside and transmit it trough the dance.
    There are different kinds of dances.
    The one I like the most is the salsa dance. You can dance it in a presentation alone, or with a partner.
    Ballet is a cultural and sofisticated dance. You can dance it with music, or just following a choreography.
    Merengue is a dance similar as salsa but it's faster. It's the traditional dance of Republica Dominicana.
    In conclusion, there are a lot of dances that can be danced in group, pairs, or alone.

    Ma. Fernanda Orellana

  4. hi miss here is my paragraph!!!

    Types of Dance
    Dance is a way of art that is used to express feelings, and thoughts. If you want to get relaxed ballet is a good way to do it. If you want to move your body and get desestressed you can dance hip-hop. The flamenco is a very popular dance from Spain that mixes percussive footwork with intricate hand, arm and body movements. These are just a few dances, but there are more. If you like it you can practice one of them and tey are very healthy and make you being thin.

    Cristina Ma. Ruiz Marin
    9th 1
    code: 16

  5. Types of Dance

    Dancing is an art very nice to practice, but with so many styles of dance to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Explore the many dance styles in the incredible world of dancing.

    Ballet is based on techniques that have been created many centuries ago. It uses music and dance to tell stories. It is the base for all the dances; if you know ballet, you can learn easily other type of dance. Jazz has become one of the most popular dance styles in recent years. People enjoy watching jazz dancers, as the dancing is fun and energetic. Hip hop is a very amazing dance style. Hip hop dance steps require a lot of practice and skill to reach perfect. It is usually related to breakdancing because of the similar music and steps. The difference is that while breakdancing consists on steps executed close to the ground, the majority of hip hop moves are done standing up.

    In conclusion, these are just some of all the different types of dancing you can practice. I hope you take the decision to practice one of these arts cause it´s a really nice experience.

    Diana Barrios
    9th 1
    code: 2

  6. hey mis celeste . this is my paragraph :

    There are many types of music and I will mention some of them:


    Merengue is danced as a basic foot you step with each beat of the music. The degree of movement of the hips varies according to personal preference. He is considered a dance asymmetrical, as in the basic step, using the same leg at the beginning of each new measure. In most combinations of turn two couples dance the basic step, but some movements in particular allow the hips to synchronize better if one of the dancers performed a weight change of zero, ie, simply hit the floor foot without weight change, instead of taking a step with him.


    Like dancing, her steps were practiced in Cuba long before making up the sauce nombre.La imposed increasingly tighter, despite the difficulty for the European dancer, enter your own pace. To learn to dance salsa well, forget about the dancing couple and spend some time learning the basic step separately.

    The basic step consists of four times. There are five variants of the same basic movement, the same rate and the same steps, but in different directions. Couple, the man always starts with the left foot and the woman with the right, but by practicing separately, this does not matter.

    Rock & Roll

    Speaking of rock'n'roll is to speak of an era and a generation, music, dance, a dress, to see life.

    If the Waltz was the first great revolution in the dance world, the era of rock & roll in the fifties, marks the second great revolution, the first clear example of music generation, and a phenomenon without precedent in the history of popular music.


    The Mambo is one of the Latin dance that has more followers in the West. Brought to Europe from the great fashion that swept the United States because of its prohibited means Mambo has been featured in major films such as starring Antonio Banderas, "The Mambo Kings" or "Dirty Dancing" Patrick Swayze.

    It was the first Latin rhythm that was exported outside the Caribbean. Considered by some as the father of Latin dances, their origin is still disputed by various experts.


    He was born in the middle of the disadvantaged neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. Fruit of the carnal desire of the men who went to Argentina in the nineteenth century in search of fortune, the tango was danced in principle between men and women refused to dance because it is a choreography poseéa sexually explicit connotations.

    As Manuel Castells says in his book The Dancing Couple, "tango properly simulate aquivale brash yet loving a fit in public."


    Flamenco is a Spanish genre of music and dance that originated in Andalusia in the eighteenth century, which is based on the music and dance of Andalusia and in whose creation and development played a crucial role the Andalusian gypsy. Singing, playing and dancing are the main aspects of flamenco.

    Hip Hop

    The origins of this cultural movement back to 1975, specifically the streets of the Bronx, at that time were mostly populated by African Americans, Latinos, Irish, Italians and Jews who sought to somehow survive on their own tragedies.

    and conclusion there are many types of dances are beautiful and interesting conosco now and I hope you like it.

  7. andrea garcia
    code :8

  8. Hi miss celeste here is my paragraph:

    En el mundo hay diferentes tipos de bailes como salsa, merengue, regueton, hip hop, y mas. en diferentes paises tienen su tipo de baile.

    The dances people express their feelings emotions depends on the type of dance that is. There are people who are very prefocional in dances like some people are not born with that gift. I think the addition to be expressive dance is an art that many people admire

    In conclusion there are different types of dances and the people manifested in different ways.

    Yasmin Cuevas
    Code: #6
